We were able to go back to Disneyland this year. Even with a few very rainy days we still had a blast. Park was able to go on more rides this year. After going on Space Mountain we asked him if he had fun. He said “it was Awesome; I don’t want to go again!” After the Tower of Terror he said “It felt like raccoons were coming out of his eyes!” That was a one time ride also. Soarin’ Over California was his favorite ride this year. Chloe still hit all the crazy scary rides. I made Eli go with her. Chloe really got into getting autographs from the characters. So we spent one morning at a Disney Breakfast. We meet up with Steve (Eli’s buddy from breakfast last year) and he arranged for the kids to dance with Eeyore and Tigger. It was a huge hit. The kids can’t wait to do it again…mom thinks a shopping vacations sounds good…dad just wants a vacation without so much walking.