Thursday, December 27, 2007

Morgan's Movie

This is Morgan. This is my first movie from my first digital camera.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

All I can say is "WOW"!

We had our work Christmas party last night. That meant I enjoyed my poorly prepared dinner here in San Diego while everyone else in the company had a nice meal catered to them in Logan. At our party last year our CEO announced that end of the year he would give away his car. Well, last night was the end of the year and I won a 2003 BMW Z4 Roadster convertible. It only has 9,000 miles on it and all I really have to do is figure out how to get it from Logan to San Diego. And then figure out whether I'll have two cars or sell this or my mustang.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Here are some new pictures of Matt. This week we have had 3 developments. First he has decided that he can sit up on his own. His new activity is to sit in front of the T.v., eat his remote control and yell at the T.V. He has also started to crawl some, it isn't pretty but he can move. He likes to go after things he can't have like shoes electrical cords. when he goes after Abbie's sandals he makes sure she is watching him. Lastly we discovered the source of some of his fussiness, he just had his first tooth break through. I discovered this last night as he lovingly looked at me and bit my nose. His tooth is just far enough that it cut my nose.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

new photos

Last night Jimmy wanted to have two binkies in his mouth.
Tonight we went to get a Christmas Tree at a farm. As you can see, Giraffe is still wearing a diaper. Jimmy was very happy to be outside choosing a tree, but he was mostly happy that they took our tree to the top of the hill with a tractor. That's his new word. That and Grandpa.

Our good news is that our house sale went through! I'll be sending out our new address soon. The first thing to go in our house will be our christmas tree. Then our bed.
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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Weather Report

Just thought you'd like a weather report.

This is what I see out of my window from my home office.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

We finally got our computer going fully after the little virus fiasco. Here are some new pictures of Matt. he is starting to eat new foods. As you can see it took a little while to get him used to it but now he is good with sweet potatoes, corn, squash, rice, mixed yellow mixed veggies and juice. He hates green beans and cries when he has to eat it. It frustrates Abbie and I laugh cause it is more proof he is a lot like me. The last picture is on here just cause we are lookin' good.


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Merry Christmas

The Year in Review in 5 minutes

Love, Mom